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Tectronic Technical Services was established in 1987 by the Managing Director, Rodger Henry.

The company was incorporated in 1991 and became Tectronic Technical Services Pty Ltd.

Tectronic Technical Services Pty Ltd is engaged in the provision of specialist electronic services and is ACMA Licenced.

Tectronic Technical Services Pty Ltd is accredited with the NSAA (National Security Association of Australia) and the ISE (Institute of Security Executives). Tectronic Technical Services Pty Ltd has won 12 Australian Achiever Awards (6 as Qld Winner and 6 as Highly Recommended) and is endorsed and certified by Companies such as Bosch, Kwasar Networks, Leviton and Inner Range.

The growth of the business can be directly attributed to our dedication to customer service.

Our success stems from listening to our customers and formulating solutions to meet their needs.

We put special emphasis on trust, reliability, confidentiality, capability and importantly product delivery and performance.

“To Be Extraordinary you have to do what the ordinary won’t and that’s the difference”

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