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Closed-circuit television (CCTV), also known as video surveillance, has so many uses today.

Tectronic Technical Services Pty Ltd only use CCTV equipment that is totally reliable and engineered specifically for the purpose and its working environment.

For example, we can provide digital recording by decentralized IP cameras equipped with megapixel sensors reporting directly to network, internal flash and Cloud storage.

In commercial, industrial and government applications, CCTV equipment may be used to observe parts of a process or requirement from a central control room, for example when the environment is not suitable or too costly for human surveillance.

We can provide CCTV systems that operate continuously or only as required to monitor a particular event by system management control or motion or heat detection etc.

While CCTV is now much more economical than previously, beware the DIY or cheap "one fits all" import.
The old adage is most true in CCTV - the quality continues long after the price is forgotten.

Whatever your CCTV needs are, Tectronic Technical Services Pty Ltd, can provide a solution for you.  

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